I know, I hear you: "Blogs are so 2006." Yet, as I re-ignite my music "career" and work to build an audience for my musical activities, I feel that creating a blog would be a good thing to do—unless I start it and abandon it after one or two half-livered blog posts, that is.
I had an old YouTube account listed under "Patsy Monteleone," but I decided to leave that familial nickname behind and go forth using my regular name. I had thought of getting a new stage name altogether, something catchy, like "Vito McGillicuddy," but that approach seemed canned, so I canned it. Therefore, "Pat Monteleone" it is, take or leave it or stake it or heave it.
Check out my new YT account at
I put up some old videos and few new things, and I'll keep adding videos, maybe a video podcast. Go over there and subscribe!
Well, so much for my first blarg post. Thanks for visiting, and do come back, y'hear? I shall keep writing and posting, in spite of the fact that my efforts are not likely to "Shake Down the Stars."